This Training is for you:

  • If you are curious to explore, deepen and improve your sexual expression, conduct and potential

  • If you have experienced, or would like to experience a heightened state of sexual arousal, potentially leading into a multi-orgasmic experience

  • If you would like to re-ignite your sexuality with yourself and your partner

  • If you or your partner have a sexual dysfunction and would like to improve this condition

What is the Tao?

Originated in China, it is an ancient philosophical & spiritual tradition that represents the fundamental principle underlying the universe, encompassing the natural order, balance, and harmony that permeate all existence.

What is The Tao of Healing Love?

A seamless blend between Taoism and Western Sexology

The Tao of Healing Love is a collection of teachings and practices that combine modern day Sexology with the Ancient Art of Taoist Sexual Alchemy, which in essence, the conscious transformation of "Lead" (Base Sexual Energy) into "Bronze" (Heart, Love Energy) - into "Gold" (Higher, Spiritual Energy); therefore refining and transmuting a lesser quality energy into a higher quality energy.

A Little Bit About The Instructor

Senior Instructor Level 2 & Educational Sexologist

Sifu Jeronimo García

An internationally well known Mexican Educating Sexologist and Senior Instructor Level 2 of the Universal Healing Tao System (UHTS) of the Grand Master Mantak Chia of Thailand; founder of his own school Universal Living Tao System (ULTS); Sifu in Wing Tsun Kuen, Coach Trainer for the International Council of Coaching Accreditation based in Canada

Message from the Teacher:

Sifu Jeronimo Garcia Z.

"Dear friends, I want to share with you this fascinating material that we have prepared for you and that has already helped thousands of people in the world. Many of these people have testified how these techniques have significantly improved their quality of life.
 These techniques are not only an invaluable help to significantly improve the quality and strength of male erection, but they can even eliminate various sexual dysfunctions, for men and women, as long as they do not have a biological or psychiatric origin, but also, they help us to experience states of increased consciousness, states of ecstasy that are highly healing, we could say that they are true states of illumination, when sexual pleasure becomes so extremely intense, that it becomes a mystical joy that without a doubt, gives a new meaning to our existence in this world.
 The internal structure of Taoist Sexual Alchemy is undoubtedly one of the best kept secrets for millennia, reserved exclusively for Chinese royalty and cultivated by Taoist monks and nuns; Now these secrets are within your reach, since it is time to a great awakening of consciousness in the world.

 These workshops have recognition in the Universal Healing Tao System of the G. M. Mantak Chia of Thailand, for those people who would like to be certified as instructors within our Taoist lineage".

The Learning Outcomes:

  • Enhanced Vitality: By incorporating Taoist practices into sexual activity, individuals may experience increased energy levels and vitality.

  • Emotional Balance: The practice emphasizes emotional connection and harmony, fostering deeper intimacy and emotional well-being between partners.

  • Physical Health: Taoist techniques can promote physical health by improving circulation, reducing stress, and boosting the immune system.

  • Energetic Balance: The practices to open the channels of circulation of vital energy, exalted sexual energy and orgasmic energy.

  • Spiritual Connection: Through the cultivation of sexual energy, practitioners may deepen their spiritual connection and explore higher states of consciousness.

  • Relationship Enrichment: Taoist Sacred Sexual Alchemy can strengthen bonds between partners, fostering trust, communication, and mutual respect within the relationship

  • Self-Exploration: The practice encourages individuals to explore their own desires, boundaries, and spiritual growth within the context of sexual expression.

This is a Hybrid Online Training Program

What does that mean?

  • 24+ Hours of Pre Recorded Material

    This is a 12 part training course, each module being about 2+hours between the pre-recorded class, and the different support material and exercises. You can do these in your own time, and go over them as many times as needed.

  • Bi-weekly Live Zoom Calls

    During the completion of your course, we have bi-weekly live zoom calls with Jeronimo Garcia and Natalie Eidi, to ensure the full understanding of the material, and to answer any questions or doubts that might have arisen. We also have some daily group practices to assist on the journey

  • Curricular Validation

    This Training Program has curricular validation in the Universal Healing Tao System of Grand Master Chia's school in Thailand. With the completion of this program you get a recognition of participation which validates you if you want to continue learning in this schools' system.

Choose your Program

  • $610.00

    $610.00Tao of Healing Love Online (English)

    Level 1 and 2 Integrated
    Buy Now
  • $333.00

    $333.00Level 1 - Tao of Healing Love Online

    Level 1 ONLY
    Buy Now
  • $333.00

    $333.00Level 2 - Tao of Healing Love Online

    Buy Now

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